M.A Parikh Fine Arts and Arts College, Palanpur organized “Gujarat Cultural Art Competition” under National Service Scheme on Thursday – 18/01/2024. The competition and subject matter was guided by NSS Program Officer Prof. Shravan kumar Kharani in which 6 students participated. In which they spoke on different topics like Swachh Cyber ??India, Character Building to Nation Building, Sheel Culture and Protection of Morality, Importance of Value Education in present times and National Service Scheme Ek Bharat – Shrestha Bharat. In this program the winners, Gauswami Vandana who stood first was encouraged by Rs 501/-, Mansuri Sania stood second and awarded Rs 251/- and Purohit Sati stood third and awarded Rs 101/- by the college. The entire program was managed by NSS Program Officer Prof. Shravankumar Kharani and Dr. Ganpatbhai Chowdhury. It was done under the guidance of Dr. Ramesh Patel, Principal of the College. Dr. Bharatbhai Suthar, HOD of the Hindi department and Niravbhai Kansara of the Sanskrit department served as judges of this competition.