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Proud Moment for our College Our College Students Participeted in 36TH INTER UNIVERSITY NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL - 2023

SHIRINBEN ABDUL SATTAR MIR of B. F. A. Sem. – VI (Music) participated in the 36TH INTER UNIVERSITY NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL competition at Jain University, Bangalore in the year 2023 and secured 2ND position in Indian group song.

NAIMIL KETANKUMAR SUTHAR of B. F. A. Sem. – IV (Drama) participated in the 36TH INTER UNIVERSITY NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL in Mime competition at Jain University, Bangalore in the year 2023.

KALPESH VASHRAMBHAI PRAJAPATI of B. F. A. Sem. – IV (Drama) participated in the 36TH INTER UNIVERSITY NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL in Mime competition at Jain University, Bangalore in the year 2023.

RAJ ARVINDBHAI VAGDODA of B. F. A. Sem. – IV (Drama) participated in the 36TH INTER UNIVERSITY NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL in Mime competition at Jain University, Bangalore in the year 2023.

KUNAL KISHORBHAI SOLANKI of B. F. A. Sem. – IV (Drama) participated in the 36TH INTER UNIVERSITY NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL in Mime competition at Jain University, Bangalore in the year 2023