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Sanskrit Sambhashan Shibir

Under the guidance and inspiration of the Principal, Dr. R. B. Patel, M. A. Parikh Fine Arts and Arts college Palanpur organized 'Sanskrit Sambhashan Shibir' from 22/08/2023 to 31/08/2023. On inaugural occasion of the Shibir, Jagdishbhai Joshi, a retired Sanskrit teacher of Bhabhar High School remained present as the chief guest, who gave a lecture on the importance of Sanskrit language. In this Shibir, Professors of Sanskrit, Dr. Nirav Kansara and Shri Nareshsinh explained to the students about the relevance of the ancient Sanskrit language to the present day as well as the dialogue in Sanskrit language, comprehensiveness of Sanskrit language, Sanskrit song, verse, Sanskrit communication and the social activities of Sanskrit- Bharati. The last day of the Shibir was celebrated as the 'Sanskrit Day.'